
Welcome! I’m happy you’re here. You can call me Jason, which is one of many nicknames, or Low, which is my full first name. Either way, I’m a student self-taught photographer and love food very much.

You should know that I’m totally obsessed with food. I daydream about new recipes. I devour cookbooks. I read up on food policy and nutrition. I love photographing food and hope my photos inspire you to step into the kitchen to cook a delicious, healthy meal.

Above all, I love eating food, especially while in the presence of good company. Good food in good company—does it get any better than that?

I believe that cooking should be fun and recipes, flexible.I believe in eating whole foods, which are foods that are as close to their source as possible. I’m also an avid supporter of the occasional indulgence, and I laugh with friends over drinks as often as possible.

This blog is all about celebrating good food—real, sustainable food that delights the senses and nourishes the body.

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